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What we do



​​​​​​​​GOING 'GLOCAL'

After focus and collaboration on your communications strategy, we will build an ongoing dialogue and conversation with targeted media around your brand, products and news, giving a compelling reason for the press and influencers to want to talk both to you and then about you. 

As your business grows, developing your brand will be equally as important. Do your staff know what you brand stands for? Do your customers? And is it consistent? What's your unique Point of View? We can build the framework that ensures you're talked about in a consistent manner and give you a story platform for all your communication.

Generating media coverage in one country or market may not always be enough. But how do you go global without a global-sized PR bill? Our 'glocalisation' approach enables us to call upon regional PR experts and influencers, to localise and share your story and give you the breadth of coverage you need. 




Media engagement at key events can add significant value to your participation, event investment and ROI. We can ensure the right media know you're there and want to talk to you. And if you are taking centre stage, we can manage your speech or presentation creation from start to finish, providing you with engaging content and information to help you wow your audiences.

Do you need to start tweeting or posting but don't have the time? Would you like to get closer to your customers in a more informal way? Social media provides a measurable, quick and cost-effective way to regularly communicate and we can create a bespoke programme to meet your needs.

Great PR gives a face and personality to a brand and media love to know who's behind a business they feature. We will build your profile as THE industry expert and the first person and brand they want to speak to about industry issues, topics and viewpoints.

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